• Trauringe und Verlobungsringe

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Mokume Gane Trauringe Uhren Schmuck Servatius Bad Kissingen

Mokume Gane

Jahrhundertealte Goldschmiedekunst in unserer Werkstatt gefertigt.

Einzigartig, individuell und handgearbeitet...

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Trauingstudio Servatius Damaststahl Rotgold



Stahl trifft Edelmetalle

Einzigartig, individuell und handgearbeitet...

Weiter zu den Ringen...

Trauspruch Trauringe Uhren Schmuck Servatius Bad Kissingen


Tragen Sie Ihren Trauspruch sichtbar jeden Tag mit sich.

Einzigartig, individuell

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Memoire Ringe


Einfach brillant

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Gold (Au) hat von der Natur aus einen satten gelben Farbton. Durch legieren verändert man die Eigenschaften und die Farbe.

Die am meisten verwendeten Farben sind Gelbgold, Weißgold und Rotgoldabstufungen.

Weißgold Trauringe Uhren Schmuck Servatius Bad Kissingen


Die modische Variante mit Understatement

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Gelbgold Trauringe Uhren Schmuck Servatius Bad Kissingen


Die klassische Variante zeitlos und klassisch

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Bicolour Trauringe Uhren Schmuck Servatius Bad Kissingen


Die Variante mit dem gewissen Farbspiel ob Bi-, oder Tricolour

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"Diamond`s are the girls best friend."

weiter zu den Ringen...

Wir präsentieren Ihnen in ungezwungener Atmosphäre eine große Auswahl an Trauringen. Unser geschultes Fachpersonal berät Sie unverbindlich und stets kompetent.

Mit einer über 35-jährigen Erfahrung im Trauringverkauf sind wir der passende Partner rund um das Symbol der Liebe, den Trauringen. In einem Gespräch mit Ihnen finden wir Ihre Ringe, welche Sie ein Leben lang begleiten.



Create a cool "one page" layout! We have included a "smooth-scroll" function where you can scroll from menu item to any "section" where your modules are stored.

Sections: top-a, top-b, top-c, top-d,main, bottom-a, bottom-b, bottom-c, footer-a

Example: Scroll to bottom-c


Another great flat designed Joomla Template. As the name indicates, flat design is defined by flatness of style: simplifying an interface by removing extra elements such as shadows, bevels, textures and gradients that create a 3D look.

A fundamental part of the current Template is defining the color palette and the full width slideshow at the top of the page, here you can also find the transparent main menu on the right and the logo on the left side.

Another highlight is the "full size" background image function for each section where the modules are stored. This functionality is easy to handle, upload your image with Joomla media manager and add the image path into the input field.

In fact our new joomla Template "bike" easily grab attention, and guide the user's eye. The purpose of minimalistic imagery also contributes to flat design's functional character.


Another great flat designed Joomla Template. As the name indicates, flat design is defined by flatness of style: simplifying an interface by removing extra elements such as shadows, bevels, textures and gradients that create a 3D look.

A fundamental part of the current Template is defining the color palette and the full width slideshow at the top of the page, here you can also find the transparent main menu on the right and the logo on the left side.

Another highlight is the "full size" background image function for each section where the modules are stored. This functionality is easy to handle, upload your image with Joomla media manager and add the image path into the input field.

In fact our new joomla Template "bike" easily grab attention, and guide the user's eye. The purpose of minimalistic imagery also contributes to flat design's functional character.


For some reason you can limit the height of the slideshow at "headerbar" module position. This feature can be done from Joomla Template Parameter > Layout > Max Height.

A fundamental part of the current Template is defining the color palette and the full width slideshow at the top of the page, here you can also find the transparent main menu on the right and the logo on the left side.

Another highlight is the "full size" background image function for each section where the modules are stored. This functionality is easy to handle, upload your image with Joomla media manager and add the image path into the input field.

In fact our new joomla Template "bike" easily grab attention, and guide the user's eye. The purpose of minimalistic imagery also contributes to flat design's functional character.


Trauingstudio Bad Kissingen Servatius

Für jeden das Richtige dabei!!!

  • Stahl, Titan, Silber - Ringe
  • Damaststahl Ringe
  • Mokume Gane Ringe
  • Carbon / Ceramic Ringe
  • Memoire Ringe
  • Verlobungsringe
  • Partnerringe / Freundschaftsringe
  • Trauring Messe
  • Kompetente Beratung
  • Ungezwungene Atmosphäre
  • Faire Preise
  • Top Angebot
  • Service vor Ort
  • Ringweitenänderungen
  • Aufarbeitungen
  • Ringanfertigungen
  • Gravuren

                                                                                                                                                                                        Memoire Ringe